Christmas News
We performed our last concert of 2023 at Wigmore Hall – it was great to feel the warmth of the audience. The programme included some beautiful pastoral music by some of our lesser-known favourites – Gregori, Valentini and Zavateri – before ending with a breath-taking Four Seasons which rather stole the show.
The Telegraph reviewed the performance with gusto – describing La Serenissima as ‘one of Britain’s best-loved chamber orchestras’!
“The group’s chatty director, Adrian Chandler, assured us that Lorenzo Zavateri’s Concerto for Two Violins was “a real corker”, and he wasn’t exaggerating. It too had a lovely pastorale, and a delicious slow movement that at one point featured Chandler and his violin partner, Oliver Cave, crooning in close-knit harmony. For a moment, I thought I was listening to a sentimental Italian pop ballad from the 1970s.” Ivan Hewett, The Telegraph

Our Christmas letter has gone out to many of our friends and supporters. We have been overwhelmed by the initial response to this and feel grateful for the sense of security that this brings as we look forward to our 30th Anniversary in 2024-25.
Adrian and I are hugely grateful for the support of La Serenissima’s family of givers: without this support, we can do very little.In 2024, we look forward to:
– Playing new programmes at St Martin in the Fields (9 February 2024 is the first concert of the year)
– The arrival of our new Italian harpsichord made by Alan Gotto – you can still support this landmark commission if you want to.
– Recording Vivaldi’s Opus 8 at Cedars Hall, Wells in February – some amazing programmatic works to conquer!
– The release of our Tartini album Diavolo: some of Adrian’s finest playing to date, including The Devil’s Trill.
– Working with Italian mandolin player Raffaele La Ragione – more about him here.
– Performing at Hintlesham Hall, with its connections to Nicola Matteis The Younger, for Kirker Holidays.
– The start of our Wigmore Hall residency (18 November 2024 – watch this space).
And much more!
If you would like to donate to any of these projects or join our family of givers, please send Camilla an email. It’s not been an easy year for the Arts in the UK – see Richard Morrison’s article in January’s BBC Music Magazine for the national context – but we have weathered another year, thanks to your enthusiasm and support.
With your help, we will keep making music in 2024.
Thank you & Happy Christmas!
Camilla & Adrian