Early Summer News
There’s been so much going on here we’ve been a bit tardy with May’s round-up of news
In May, we worked with Raffaele La Ragione, mandolin star, for the first time: born in the Naples region, Raffaele comes from a family of hairdressers and charmed the whole band with his beautiful playing & friendly demeanour.Adrian and Raffaele were able to mull over their enthusiasm for Vivaldi’s music, the meaning of historical performance and their passion for doing things ‘the proper way’ between performing to full houses for St Martin in the Fields and Music in Country Churches.

It was terrific to see so many friends and supporters at these concerts. Special thanks to La Serenissima Patron Patrick Heininger for proposing our work to Music In Country Churches – this kind of support is so valuable to us, as we rebuild our touring activity post-pandemic.
The Chandler family were also glad to introduce Raffaele to his first taste of Marmite!
Vivaldi Opus 8 needs your support!
Adrian is busy working through the first edit of the first volume of Vivaldi’s Opus 8 which is sounding FANTASTIC! We are just so excited about this album which will bring together the first 6 concertos of Vivaldi’s Amsterdam publication – and two other works, including a stunning double violin concerto (RV515) with Adrian’s sparring partner Oliver Cave.
We really need some more track sponsors (£1,000 per track or £2,000 per concerto) and an album sponsor (£10,000) to finish Volume 1.
Please get in touch with Camilla if you would like to see your name in lights on this important release.

Concert Feedback
This month we attempted to gather audience feedback at both concerts via QR code. If you have yet to respond to our questionnaire and would like to, please click here. Your responses are important to us!
Vivaldi x2² Our much-anticipated follow-up album to Vivaldi x2 (which topped the UK classical chart in 2018) will be out soon (2nd August) featuring more double concertos for pairs of instruments (cello, violin, flute & oboe). Pre-order Vivaldi x2² here. It’s a lively album we hope fans will love.
With our best wishes & thanks for your support
Camilla & Adrian